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New study: Empowering Nordic healthtech solutions rapidly changing healthcare worldwide


New research shows that Nordic healthtech companies providing solutions fueling a paradigm shift in healthcare are increasing their international sales rapidly. The new digital solutions part of HealthTech Nordic empower patients and healthcare professionals which leads to lower costs as well as better health and higher quality of care worldwide. 

Photo: Healthtech Nordic Project
Image: To the left, Coala Life’s Heart Monitor. The map to the right depicts countries (highlighted in blue) where HealthTech Nordic member companies are selling internationally, not including the respective companies’ domestic market.

The new digital solutions part of HealthTech Nordic empower patients and healthcare professionals which leads to lower costs as well as better health and higher quality of care worldwide.

"Empowering a patient through healthtech means he or she can take greater control of his or her own situation. For healthcare professionals and the healthcare system as a whole, the new digital tools enable efficiency, proactiveness and a higher quality of healthcare. It’s a paradigm shift what is happening in the Nordics, but it’s also spreading internationally", says Marianne Larsson, Director of HealthTech Nordic at Innovation Skåne.

A two-wheeled wheelchair that runs on just about anything, a device used at home or on the go which provides vital heart data in 60 seconds and an electronic health record system specially designed for African hospitals. Those are examples of empowering healthtech solutions by AddMovementCoala Life and MedCardApps, three HealthTech Nordic member companies growing fast internationally.

HealthTech Nordic is one of the world’s largest communities for healthtech companies, currently existing of 268 member companies. New research on the members shows that the companies rapidly are growing internationally because of their innovative digital solutions improving care for patients as well as making work better for healthcare professionals. Healthcare urgently needs digitization to cope with growing numbers of patients and increasingly strained budgets. The demand for the new solutions enabling this paradigm shift has the HealthTech Nordic member companies selling on all continents but Antarctica. Major markets outside of the Nordics are the UK, Germany and the USA.

"The Coala Heart Monitor simply makes life easier for people, by analyzing the heart in real-time wherever you are. We’ve noticed an increasing demand for empowering healthtech solution, in Sweden as well as internationally. Digital solutions are now such a natural part of society and we have come to expect them also in healthcare", says Dan Pitulia, CEO of Swedish healthtech company Coala Life.

"The Nordics have become a hotbed for digital healthcare innovations. Mainly because we already had world-class medical care and research institutions as well as cutting edge development of new technologies and a highly skilled workforce. We’re expecting the healthtech equivalent to previous Nordic unicorns such as Spotify and Klarna to emerge as the healthtech market is growing more mature", says Marianne Larsson, Director of HealthTech Nordic at Innovation Skåne.

About the study

  • 751 jobs created by the HealthTech Nordic member companies 2017-2019
  • Continues a rapid international expansion in 2019
  • Reach 3 546 919 users and 727 428 paying customers worldwide
  • Close to a third, 30 %, of the member companies report international sales
  • Currently sell on all continents but Antarctica, main markets outside of the Nordics are UK, Germany and USA
  • Are pleased with the support from HealthTech Nordic, and especially highlight the possibility to a high-quality network and valuable help to grow their businesses

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