All invoices addressed to Invest in Skåne must be sent as e-invoices (according to Swedish regulations for publicly owned companies). Please note that an invoice sent as a PDF via email is not considered an e-invoice.
If your company has a business system with an electronic invoicing feature, you may use that. We use a standard called Svefaktura, the most common standard in Sweden. If your company does not use an electronic invoicing feature, we offer a free service called InExchange where you can register your invoices manually, see instructions below. Open InExchange and follow the instructions below.
The following information is needed in order to create an e-invoice:
Invoicing address
Region Skåne | Regionstyrelsen
205 01 Malmö, Sweden
Your reference number
Region Skåne organisation number: 232100-0255
Additional account information
Peppol-ID: 0088:7381000004407
Svefaktura/GLN: 7381000004407
If you have questions regarding InExchange, just use the support button in the InExchange portal.